LIVEVUE Configuration
View of Store Front View
Customer view has shown in the picture. Using LIVEVUE configuration from the admin panel, Frame style, Matte and Image upload options can configure.
Go to admin store and select the LIVEVUE Configuration in the side panel to configure the options / variants like Preview Enable, Swatch (Frames), Rectangle (mat), Image Upload etc. to the store products.
Link: Configuration

Configuration Steps
The detailed explanation and videos are available in the following contents.
a. Preview Enable

- First enable the additional options.
- Choose the desired Measurement Unit from the dropdown menu(Centimeter/Inches)
- For the Image Source select either Product Image (images are available in the store) or Local device image upload (to choose file from the local device)
- For Virtual Room select “Yes – Mobile & Web” as both Mobile and Web views are available for the Store Front view.
- Select any one of the Frame Selling Options
- Allow permission to AI Analysis option.
b. Swatch / Frames

Swatch Option Index 0
- In Swatch add/delete the frames.
- The field of entry should be in following format:
Option Name – Frame Style
Enter Label – Frame label name may be either color or frame number or type (Eg: black/frame 6/smooth)
Upload Main Image – This image will be the photo frame view in the front store. It should be a transparent image.
Upload Corner Image – This will be the frame style icon view. The size should not exceed 50×50 pixels.
Select Collections – Choose the categories from the dropdown menu to have the uploaded frame style.
Swatch Table Index 0
The table contains the sample frames of the demo product.
- All the saved Swatch Options are added to the Swatch table below the demo products.
- Edit option is used to add or remove the category list.
- Remove option will permanently delete the selected frame style.
Add New Option
- To create a new Swatch table index 1.
Delete Option
- To permanently deletes the Swatch table index 1 from the options.
c. Rectangle

Rectangle Option Index 0
This contains Add/Delete options for Mat.
Option Name – Mat
Enter Label – Mat size in inches.
Select Collections – Choose the categories from the dropdown menu to have the uploaded mat option.
Rectangle Table Index 0
The table contains the sample Mat styles of the demo product.
- Edit option is used to add or remove the category list.
- Remove option will permanently delete the selected mat style.
Add New Option
- To create a new Rectangle Option Index 0.
Delete Option
- To permanently delete the Rectangle Option Index 0 from the options.
d. Image Upload
- This option is used for users to upload their image for printing.
- Based on the product category type customer can setup this option.
- The uploaded image should be cropped and submitted.
- The following steps are used to set up custom upload for the products.

In Image Upload Table Index 0
- Click the Edit option icon.
- From ‘Select Collections’ choose the category for Image Upload
- Click Save Option
- Remove option will permanently delete the uploaded image.
e. Dropdown
This is the additional option for the customer to customize the application based on their needs.
f. Text
This is the additional Text option for the customer to enter the product details like material type etc., The main purpose of this option is, User can get to know about extra more details about the product.
g. Radio Button
This is also additional option for the product.