

LIVE VUE : LIVE Web Preview – Favorite Photos with Frames and Artworks on Virtual Walls

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align perfectly with your business needs.
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LIVE VAG : LIVE Virtual Art Gallery – Virtual 3600 Art Gallery of famous Photo Collections and Artworks on Gallery Walls

    Web Browser Module

  • Virtual 3600 Art & Photo Gallery walk through experience
  • One Virtual Gallery Room to showcase upto 5 Artists/phtographers or 5 Category Art work
  • Each wall can be per artists / photographer or per category
  • Add Artwork to Cart & Order at ease


    Web Browser Module

  • All LITE Features
  • One Virtual Gallery Room to Select from 5 Virtual Galleries
  • Mutliple Walls per virtual room
  • Multiple artworks per wall


    Web Browser Module

  • All BASIC Features
  • Two Virtual Gallery Room to Select from unlimited Virtual Galleries



LIVE – CRU : LIVE Crop & Upload – Artists and Photographers Crop and Upload Artwork and Photos with AI Assistance

    Mobile app Module

  • Artist / Phtographer Profile
  • Unlimited Artwork / Photography upload
  • Image Upload option – Camera / PhotoGallery – with Cropping


    Mobile Apps Module

  • All LITE Features
  • Art Teaching / Phtography Teaching Profile
  • Unlimited Teaching ~ Artwork / Photography – Images / videos upload
  • Mobile Apps Module

  • Maintain Artists / Photographer Download Info / Teaching Information
  • Emails Related to Art & Photogrpahy Teaching


    Web Browser Module

  • All BASIC Features
  • Pricing Setup
  • Currency Exchange
  • Payment Calculations
  • Web Browser Module

  • Analyze the image(s) and categorize them



LIVE – FAR : LIVE Frame AR – Art Lovers / Enthusiasts can view the ART work / Photographs with Frames on your wall – Interior virtual Design with Art

    Mobile Apps Module

  • AR Viewing for Art work
  • Unlimited Artwork / Photography viewing
  • AR Viewing for Framed Artwork / uploaded / selected Photo collections


    Mobile Apps Module

  • All LITE Features
  • LIVE Preview in a your Room (Home / Office) with Augmentd Reality (AR) Tech
  • Adjustable Crop Grid
  • Select different Frame Sizes / Color
  • Selection with Mat / No Mat
  • Zoom the Preview
  • Crop and Add to Cart at ease


    Web Browser Module

  • All BASIC Features
  • Personalized Search
  • Narrow down LOVEly photos selection with AI Assistance


Core Product:

Virtual Sales Engagement (Art Configurator) Platform

Virtual Framing Module on Shopify 1.0 & Shopify 2.0

Contour 3D Frame Generator


Virtual Framing of Multiple Posters on a Wall Module on Shopify 2.0

This – Art Configurator – essentially touches the Shopify Product Page, Checkout Page, and Cart Pages.

Add-On Modules: Includes Virtual Framing on Catalogue Page Images

How best to use LIVEARf?

Our focus at LIVEARf is to remain true to our core strengths; therefore, we do
not position ourselves as your primary eCommerce web developer.

To be best in eCommerce art business, we recommend hiring an eCommerce developer
(e.g., Shopify) and a digital marketing expert outside of LIVEARf.

  Person 1

LIVEARf Consultant – for Visual Sales Engagement and Order
Capture Enhancements.

  Person 2

E-commerce Consultant – Specializing in
Shopify/BigCommerce, for Order Fulfillment,
Tax, Shipping, and Website improvements.

  Person 3

Digital Marketing Person – To Bring more customers to your

Offering Charged Services:

Unlock specialized enhancements for $10
per hour Services
Theme configuration :
Offering distinct
customization for Paid themes

  • It is advisable to have your own Non-Production Store as well to do
    this customization for your Order Capture.
Theme UI Customization :
Customizing options based
on Theme UI

  • UI Customizations to switch from Dropdown, Radio button, HTML Button
    and the Order of the data capture with Validations.
Other Platform to Shopify
Migration from different
platforms to Shopify

  • Best Practices for Visual Sales Engagement related, while migrating
    from other ecommerce platforms.
Additional UI Works (Reference
Enhancing UI based on
reference site design

  • Custom UI Enhancements based on your inspirational websites.
Other than Product Page :
Enhancing Home and
Collection Pages Beyond Product Display

  • Non-Proudct Page Customizations and Enhancements.
Enhanced Product Page UI :
Add, remove, or modify
options with image previews

  • Enhancement of the product page user interface involving the
    provision of visual image previews.
Room Image Integration :
Incorporate new room
images for contextual visualization

  • We provide standard Virtual Rooms with Transparent wall, to put
    different wall colors. You can give your room images depicting your
    brand, culture of the people you are targeting.
3D Work – Plain Frames :
Integrating basic Plain
Frames 3D visuals

3D Work – Contour Frames :
Integrating 3D visuals to
unique product shapes

  • Symmetric Contour Frames are developed by our 3D Modelling team to
    visualize in 3D . Texture / Wood / Metalic Colors are acquired and
    setup for the buyers.
  • Pre Existing 3D Models can be searched and bought at $9.95 per
    model. Your Merchant id will be connected with the 3D Models you are
  • New 3D Models can be ordered at $49.95 per model, with enough
    details in the URLs as well as pictures (upload to google drive) and
    share the URLs for a review. If we could generate 3D Model, then we
    accept your payment, otherwise we will return the order back to you
    without fulfilment.
  • Frame Moulding – Academie Black 3
    inches | Larson-Juhl
Pricing Configuration –
Setting Simple product

  • Shopify by default support 3 options and 100 variants per product
    level. So, the simple pricing setup can be configured within Shopify
    / Bigcommerce like Platform itself.
Pricing Configuration –
Implementing Your own
pricing formulas.

  • Once your options , variants are more than 100 per product level,
    You can leverage LIVEVUE – Pricing Setup. Learn from the link for how to configure the
    best practices Pricing.
Mobile View Optimization :
Ensuring a mobile

  • Mobile browser order capture provides immense opportunity to
    increased revenue compared to Web Browser.
  • We Support Chrome , Safari browsers in iPhone and Chrome, Firefox in
    Android Phones.
  • Within the available space, we provide, two tabs one for various
    Options Selection and another for Frame View ( 2D , 3D ,360*
    rotational) , Room View (standard models, customer uploaded rooms)

LIVE Integration

Stock Images

Demo URL

License Purchase


Additional Details

Adobe Image Stock Adobe stock images Merchant / Artist is
responsible for buying the license key from Adobe Stock
$749/year You gain unlimited sync from
Adobe Stock to your Shopify or Bigcommerce store.
DepositPhotos DepositPhotos Merchant / Artist is
responsible for buying the license key from DepositPhotos
$749/year You gain unlimited sync from
DepositPhotos to your Shopify or Bigcommerce store.
ShutterStock ShutterStock Merchant / Artist is
responsible for buying the license key from ShutterStock
$749/year You gain unlimited sync from
ShutterStock to your Shopify or Bigcommerce store.

Not for Profit Pricing – US Recognized Companies Only

Minimum price : $29.99

For Web Apps: You are welcome to use our all LIVEARf module apps.

For Mobile Apps

Purchase Apple Developer Certifcate $99/Annum
If you want iOS Mobile
App Modules.
Purchase Android Developer Certificate $25 One Time Price
If you want
Android Mobile App Modules.

Not for Profit

Install the app to get to understand this pricing

Contact Us:

logo Module Pricing Adopt a Team Pricing Not for Profit Pricing
Feature Prioritization No No
Week day support 8hrs / day 12hrs / day 8hrs / day
LIVEARf Promotion No No

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